Zendesk Tip#12 - How to add a tag to a user with an incoming ticket

Hi, Dominic the CX guy here. If you’re like me, working as a CX expert trying to create a better world by offering meaningful experiences to users, every now and then you find yourself come across some mind bending hurdles that cause for me to just sit and stare at my screen thinking “how the hell do I get out of this one”? Zendesk, why are you like this?

Well, that’s why whenever I have such moments, I write a blog post about it. I write them for you to find and not spend as much time testing as I do, but for the most part, I write it for myself and I oftentimes forget the solutions I find.


I needed to allow access to private content in the Zendesk Guide Knowledge Base for a type of users. I created a user segment in the Guide. All that needed to happen now, was for the users to receive the article link and having their user segment applied to them, they could just see it, right? Wrong!

What about new Zendesk users? Users that are not yet members of that “user segment”? These users buy a device from the e-commerce website and need to see some content on how to work their device. They submit a request in Zendesk saying, “hey, I bought the X device, how do I operate it?“ I’m suppose to pick up the device with a business rule and automatically send them their content. However, if I send the content to them, it’s meaningless because they can’t see it, they are new users, they are not members of that Zendesk Guide “user segment“ yet. For clarification, I created a simple user segment that conditions users to have a tag “private_content“. If they have this tag, hooray, enjoy your content!

Of course an agent can do that, but we are in 2021 and we want to leave the agents to only deal with the inspiring cases, cases for which they don’t have to perform repetitive tasks. The beauty of Zendesk is it’s very versatile and there’s so many ways of going about things.


  • Create a custom end-user field like a checkbox with a YES or NO and add your desired tag

  • Create a trigger saying if a ticket comes in and it matches a number of conditions, then the action is to mark the user field checkbox above as “YES“

  • This adds the tag to your user opening up doors to unlimited other possibilities from there on like

    • Making this user a member of a user segment that has access to certain type of Knowledge base content

    • Make them a member of an organisation

    • Flag future incoming tickets with the same tag and treat them as “VIP“

  • DONE! ✅

Not that difficult, but still a pain in the backside nonetheless! Zendesk, you are wonderful!

Let me know in the comments how you did it!